
What Foods Are Rich In Vitamins And Minerals

Things To Consider

Most nutrient-rich foods are found in the perimeter (outer circle) of the grocery store. Questions to ask your doctor

How Can I Easily Add These Foods To My Everyday Diet?

Can I Take Supplements Or Multivitamins To Increase My Nutrients?


Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Eat Right, Tips for Choosing a Nutrient-rich Diet

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Start Simple With MyPlate.

1. Nuts And Seeds 

For example, minerals are needed for heart and brain function, as well as the production of hormones and enzymes (1). Minerals are divided into two categories based on how much the human body needs.
Macrominerals are needed in larger amounts and include calcium, potassium, sodium, chloride, phosphorus, and magnesium Although equally important, trace minerals, including iron, copper, fluoride, selenium, zinc, chromium, molybdenum, iodine, and manganese, are needed in smaller amounts Nuts and seeds Nuts and seeds are packed with an array of minerals but particularly rich in magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium, and phosphorus Whole nuts and seeds make a convenient, nutrient-dense snack, while nut and seed butters can be incorporated into smoothies and oatmeal or paired with fresh fruit or vegetables.

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Which Foods Are Loaded With Minerals?

Water Soluble Vitamins

VITAMIN What it does for our bodies Where do we get it from B1 (thiamin) • Helps release energy from carbohydrates

• Is needed for proper working of the heart, digestive and nervous systems

• Important for growth

• Yeast extracts (e.g. Vegemite)

• Fish

• Lean meat

• Legumes

• Nuts

• Eggs

• Green leafy vegetables

• Bread and cereals

B12 (cyano-cobalamin) • Works with folate to produce new blood and nerve cells and DNA

• Helps process carbohydrate and fat

• Found only in animal products (lean meat, chicken, fish, seafood, eggs and milk)

• Fortified soy products

Biotin • Helps process fat and protein

• Important for growth and nerve cell function

• Egg yolk

• Oats

• Wholegrains

• Legumes

• Mushrooms

• Nuts

Folate (folic acid) • Produces red blood cells and DNA

• Keeps the nervous system healthy

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• Important in early pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects

• Yeast extracts (e.g.

• Green leafy vegetables

• Wholegrains

• Peas

• Nuts

• Avocado

C (absorbic acid) • Needed for healthy skin, gums, teeth, bones and cartilage

• Assists with absorption of some types of iron

• Assists with wound healing and resistance to infection

• Fruit and vegetables (citrus fruit and juices, berries, pineapple, mango, pawpaw, capsicum, parsley, broccoli, spinach, cabbage).

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