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Biotin How Does It Work?

How does biotin work in the body? Your body needs biotin to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Biotin is often recommended for strengthening hair and nails, and it’s found in many cosmetic products for hair and skin. Like all B vitamins, it is a water soluble, meaning the body does not store it.

Does biotin actually work? The bottom line. There’s no strong evidence to support using biotin for hair growth or to prevent hair loss in people without a deficiency. Because hair thinning and poor hair growth are sometimes associated with a biotin deficiency, correcting a deficiency can help restore hair growth in some people.

How much biotin should you take for hair growth? 2-5 milligrams

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Biotin How Does It Work

Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, stimulates keratin production in hair and can increase the rate of follicle growth. It is not stored for long in the body – most of yours is from the foods you eat. In order to be effective, it needs to be consumed.

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