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Can Biotin Cause Overactive Thyroid?

Can biotin interfere with thyroid? Interferences have been reported in laboratory assays and particularly for thyroid function tests. This may lead to a missed diagnosis and potentially serious clinical implications. At present, it has been recognized that biotin can interfere with thyroid immunoassays using the biotin–streptavidin interaction.

What supplements can affect thyroid? Some Supplements Can Affect Thyroid Medication According to the Mayo Clinic, supplements such as calcium, iron, multivitamins containing iron, and antacids containing magnesium or aluminum can potentially have interactions with thyroid medications.

How much biotin affects thyroid tests? In conclusion, the ingestion of 20 mg or more of biotin may lead to a clinically relevant thyroid assay interference. The clinicians must take this point in consideration before assessing the results of any thyroid function tests.

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