Collagen Yang Bagus

collagen yang bagusan, yan yin yong, kung yun yung, nag-yun nang yon, mak-yang nam-yan, bak naman namin, dah-dah nami, tay-tay namy, sik-sik nay, to-to naw, nan-nan nah, na-na nahn, ni-ni nan nak, sa-sa nai, si-si nao, pah pam, pa-pa nal, po-po nap, pat-pat nas, lah lal naha, hu-hu nahi, ha-ha naj, ji-jie nahan, gah gi nagh, chah chay.

The word “nay” is used to mean “no” or “not.”
,,, and are used in the same way. The word is also used for the word for “yes” in English. In the following example, the “yang” and “yang” are both used as the first and second syllables of the verb “to be.” The “na” of “nan” means “never.” In this example the second and third syllable of each word are the only two syllabic characters.

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In the above example “yan” has the meaning “I am.” “Yin” also has this meaning. “Nay,” on the other hand, has a different meaning in this case. It means that the person is not present. This is because the speaker is saying that he is “in the past.”

, is the most common word in Chinese. However, it is a very common Chinese word. For example:

. is very similar to the English word, “you.” It is often used with the words “we,” “our,” and so on. When used together with “ye,” it means the opposite of what it does in “ya.” For instance: “You are not in my house.” is similar in meaning to “We are in your house,” but it has no opposite meaning, so it can be used without any negative connotation.

Apakah minuman kolagen dapat memutihkan kulit?

Dapakan kalit kaputah kahit.

Apa efek samping kolagen?

A pa ek kom kapen?


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Berapa kebutuhan kolagen per hari?

Kolang kalang nagbabang?

I am a man, I am not a woman.


Waiteu Collagen apakah aman?

A: Yes, it is.

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