result 1105

Does Biotin Affect Thyroid Medication?

What supplements should not be taken with thyroid medication? “You should also avoid any drugs or supplements that contain iron, calcium, or magnesium for at least four hours after taking your thyroid medications,” says Dr. Jaiswal. That also includes multivitamins that contain these minerals.

How does biotin interact with levothyroxine? No interactions were found between biotin and levothyroxine.

How much biotin affects thyroid tests? In conclusion, the ingestion of 20 mg or more of biotin may lead to a clinically relevant thyroid assay interference. The clinicians must take this point in consideration before assessing the results of any thyroid function tests.

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Does Biotin Affect Thyroid Medication

Biotin doesn’t interfere with your thyroid medication, but it does interfere with your thyroid blood test and can mess up your numbers. Stop taking biotin at least 2 days before having a TSH blood test done.

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