result 927

Does Biotin Thicken Your Blood?

Is biotin good for your blood? Biotin helps maintain many of your body’s major systems. Like other B vitamins, biotin helps your body use enzymes and carry nutrients throughout the body. Studies show that biotin may help manage symptoms of diabetes. It helps regulate blood sugar levels in some people with diabetes.

How does biotin affect blood work? Excess biotin in the blood from supplements can block that binding and the substance won’t be measured accurately. Most of the published research on biotin interference covers hormone tests, such as parathyroid hormone (PTH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), T4 and T3 tests, as well as tests for troponin.

What are the negative effects of taking too much biotin? Possible Side Effects Biotin supplements can cause problems if you take too much. Side effects can include skin rashes, digestive upset, problems with insulin release, and kidney problems. As with any supplement, the safety of long-term or high-dose use isn’t known.

RELATED:  Can Biotin Cause A Rash?

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Does biotin affect iron levels?

Biotin in supplements can also affect tests for heart failure, pregnancy, cancer, and iron-deficiency anemia. Experts say the problem is not new. “In the lab community, people have known about this for a long time,” said Danni Li, PhD, director of clinical chemistry at the University of Minnesota Medical Center.

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