
Does Exercise Worsen Acid Reflux?

Does Exercise Worsen Acid Reflux? Usually if the workout includes stomach crunches, abdominal presses, or high impact exercise, this will make acid reflux worse. Anything that causes you to lift heavy things, bend a certain way, or hold positions can actually be a reflux trigger. Avoid running and sprinting, cycling, gymnastics, or weight lifting.

Why does exercise make acid reflux worse? When it comes to acid reflux, exercise may be a double-edged sword. According to a 2006 study , intense exercise may make GERD worse. Certain exercises can decrease blood flow to your gastrointestinal area. This can cause gastric fluids to pool, leading to inflammation and irritation.

Can exercise flare up acid reflux? Any exercise that increases abdominal pressure, such as heavy lifting, stomach crunches, or high impact workouts, can trigger reflux. “In reflux, whatever material is in the stomach will only come back through that barrier if the pressure in the stomach exceeds the pressure of the barrier,” says Dr.

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