result 1146

Does Human Serum Contain Biotin?

Is there biotin in human serum? In human serum, biotin circulates in free form or protein-bound, for uptake by cells and tissues including liver cells, cerebral capillaries, basolateral membrane vesicles of placenta, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells [1], [2].

Can biotin be absorbed through the skin? Biotin contributes to healthy nails, skin and hair, so it features in many cosmetic and health products for the skin and hair. However, it cannot be absorbed through hair or skin.

How can I get biotin naturally? Natural sources of biotin

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Does Human Serum Contain Biotin

Recoveries of human serum control samples ranged from 87 to 113% and interassay CVs were ≤6%. PK analysis showed that the biotin concentration was dose proportional within the studied range; Figure 1 shows the median biotin concentrations for all groups.

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