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How Does Magnesium Work In Asthma

Asthma is a lifelong disease with no cure, but there are several ways to handle your symptoms. When you’re facing an attack, short-acting drugs can help you breathe. Magnesium is being investigated as another therapy by researchers. It’s a mineral that you can get from certain foods or supplements. Experts are uncertain what role it plays in asthma, but they do know it helps with inflammation. If you have to go to the emergency room due to an asthma attack, the doctor may give you magnesium sulfate via IV. Low magnesium levels may be attributed to: how well your lungs function; Wheezing.

How Does Magnesium Work In Asthma – Answer & Related Questions

Magnesium can be used to prevent an asthma attack by: Relaxing and opening your airways. In your airways, there is a calming inflammation. Muscle spasms can be prevented by blocking chemicals that cause muscle spasms.

How Does Magnesium Effect Asthma?

Magnesium sulfate is a bronchodilator, relaxeing the tracing muscles and expanding the airways.
Shortness of breath, for example, can be relieved by this treatment.
Doctors use magnesium sulfate to treat people with severe asthma flare-ups.
They usually administer the medication by intravenous (IV) injection or infusion.
In some instances, a person can inhale the drug by using nebulizers.
When other therapies haven’t been successful, doctors typically only administer the drug in the emergency department.
Is it effective? The scientific evidence proving the use of the drug is mixed.

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