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How Much Biotin Should You Take Daily For Thinning Hair?

How much biotin should I take for thinning hair? 2 to 5 milligrams

Is 10000 mcg of biotin daily too much? Mayo Clinic states that 10,000 mcg is a safe dose, as no adverse side effects have been noted to date. Reassuringly, even “mega doses” of 300,000 mcg found no side effects in neurological research.

Should I take biotin if I have thin hair? There’s no strong evidence to support using biotin for hair growth or to prevent hair loss in people without a deficiency. Because hair thinning and poor hair growth are sometimes associated with a biotin deficiency, correcting a deficiency can help restore hair growth in some people.

Related Questions

How Much Biotin Should You Take Daily For Thinning Hair

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not have a daily recommended dietary allowance for biotin. However, according to estimates, an intake of 30 micrograms (mcg) may be adequate. The average intake of biotin in Western countries, excluding the United States, is an estimated 35–70 mcg per day.

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What helps female thinning hair?

Minoxidil (Rogaine) is approved by the FDA for female pattern hair loss. It can slow or stop it in most women and may help hair grow back. But the benefits go away when you stop using it. Corticosteroids can help regrow hair for women with alopecia areata.

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