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L Turner Artist

William Lakin Turner (25 February 1867 – 21 October 1936) was an English panorama artist.


Life and work[edit]

William Lakin Turner died of most cancers on 21 October 1936 on the Yeatman Hospital, Sherborne, Dorset, and was buried on 23 October 1936[8] on the church of St Mary Magdalene, Castleton, Sherborne, Dorset.[9]


William Lakin Turner displayed his work at a number of notable exhibitions, together with fourteen at The Royal Academy of Artists, 4 on the Royal Hibernian Academy, and 6 in Birmingham. His work may be considered at Nuneaton Museum and Artwork Gallery, Derby Museum and Artwork Gallery, and the Ruskin Museum.[10] Between 1905 and 1936 he exhibited over 350 work on the Lake Artists Summer season Exhibition, in addition to 81 work on the annual exhibition at Nottingham Fortress.


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