Vitamins 696x496 1

Rite Aid B12 Vitamins


Personal Care

This Vitamin B12 supplement also features a time release formula that extends vitamin absorption by the body. Nature Made supplements are quality you can trust.

Baby, Kids And Toys

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Household & Pet

And no testing on animals.
They’re also great for those who have had bariatric surgery and require specific bariatric vitamins.

What If You’Re Lactose Intolerant?

Rite Aid’s B12 Vitamins are your daily dose of B12 without any water, shots, or hassle. Micro Quick Absorb Free From vitamins quickly dissolve under your tongue and absorb directly into your bloodstream.
B12 converts amino and fatty acids into energy and is a major component of red blood cell production. It also supports nerve repair and DNA synthesis.

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Why B12 Methylcobalamin Vs. Cyanocoblamin?

B12 cynacoblamin is cheater to produce and enables absorption through the gut, which is why most companies manufacture it. This means it is immediately bio-availabl.

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