
Should I Stop Taking Multivitamins Before Surgery

We’re frequently asked in our comment section about: should i stop taking multivitamins before surgery. Truth is we’ve been delaying this article for a while until we had enough information & facts to allow us to enlighten our readers.

Pre-Operative Nutrition

Below are a few nutrients that are vital during this time period. Water: Water is the largest component of the human body, comprising 60 to 75% of each of us. It maintains skin hydration, making it moist, plump, and free of blemishes.
In digestion, it aids in ridding the body of toxins, waste, and impurities while maintaining regularity and preventing constipation and bloating (which can occur post-surgery due to body trauma and post-op pain medications). Drink a minimum of 64 ounces daily. Our organs, hormones, red blood cells, immune system, and enzymes are all comprised mainly of protein.
Multivitamin: Since it can be difficult to eat a well-balanced varied diet each and every day, a highly potent multivitamin and mineral supplement will ensure that you are meeting all of your micronutrient needs. This will prepare the body for the upcoming tissue repair process. Vitamin C: An antioxidant found in many fruits and vegetables protects cells from environmental pollutants and toxins and prevents bruising.
It also aids in collagen production and improves blood vessel dilation, which brings more blood and nutrients to damaged tissues for wound healing. Zinc: Zinc is used for growth, tissue building and repair, and improved immunity. Take caution not to intake excess, as it can interfere with absorption of other minerals, including iron and copper.
Glutamine: Increased tissue concentrations of this amino acid during the pre-operative period will reduce healing time and aid in surgery recovery. Coenzyme Q 10: Another antioxidant when, taken before surgery, results in quicker recovery after surgery.

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One Week Pre-Surgery

Directly before surgery, there are certain foods that may interfere with anesthesia, bleeding time, immune function, and healing time.
Foods high in refined sugar should be avoided as they can suppress immune function. Limit “neurotoxic” items including alcohol, caffeine, aspartame, and MSG. Avoid aspirin and all other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
Post-Operative Nutrition

The goal of proper post-surgery nutrition is to promote quick healing and recovery with the assistance of a well-supported immune system, while reducing pain, inflammation, and swelling. Pre-op supplement regimens (as listed above or directed by your Doctor or Nutritionist) may be resumed, while sugar, allergenic foods, caffeine, and alcohol should continue to be avoided. In addition, the below items can be added to improve recovery outcomes.

Interactions With Drugs

The reasons for this depend on your particular health conditions and the supplements you take — ask your doctor if you’re unsure why you’re being asked to do so. For example, vitamin B-6 can interfere with the function of specific antibiotics, so taking vitamin supplements might increase your risk of infection after surgery. Advertisement

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Your doctor might ask you not to take vitamins before surgery due to some vitamins’ effects on bleeding and blood clotting.
Refraining from vitamin supplements before surgery helps ensure you will not have abnormally high levels of vitamin E and can help with your healing process. Your doctor has no real way to know which added compounds and extracts are present in your body due to your supplement usage. Advertisement


When your doctor asks you about any drugs you’re taking, be sure to give her information that includes any over-the-counter drugs, as well as vitamins and other supplements.

The Aedition

Out Paperwork In A Doctor’S Office, Do You Ever List Your Vitamins And Supplements In The Space Dedicated To ‘Current Medications’?

From a multivitamin to adaptogenic herbs, tonics, tinctures, everything you put into your mouth on a daily basis is of great interest to your provider. The general rule when it comes to cosmetic surgery is to steer clear of taking vitamins and supplements pre-op to minimize bleeding, which, in turn, will help to keep bruising and swelling at a minimum, too (who doesn’t want that?). But that is not to say all supplements are off limits.

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