
The B Vitamins And Vitamin C Are Fat Soluble Vitamins

We’re frequently asked in our comment section about: the b vitamins and vitamin c are fat soluble vitamins. Truth is we’ve been delaying this article for a while until we had enough information & facts to allow us to enlighten our readers.


L. Previously updated by: Bellows and R. Moore. Go to top of this page.


The four fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E, and K. These vitamins are absorbed more easily by the body in the presence of dietary fat.
The nine water-soluble vitamins are vitamin C and all the B vitamins. Any leftover or excess amounts of these leave the body through the urine. They have to be consumed on a regular basis to prevent shortages or deficiencies in the body.
The exception to this is vitamin B12, which can be stored in the liver for many years.

Statpearls [Internet].

play a vital role in many biochemical functions in the human body and are essential components for maintaining optimal health. There are two main groups of vitamins – fat-soluble (easily stored in fat upon absorption) and water-soluble (washed out and not easily stored).
Although adequate intake of all vitamins is important, regular intake is required to avoid deficiency due to the transient nature of water-soluble vitamins. The water-soluble vitamins include Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, folate, and cobalamin). Vitamin B complex and vitamin C are found in many foods, especially vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy, meat, legumes, peas, liver, eggs, and fortified grains and cereals.
In addition to serving as cofactors in biochemical reactions, the vitamin B complex is vital for normal body growth and development, healthy skin, the proper function of nerves and the heart, and red blood cell formation.

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The water-soluble vitamins include Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, folate, and cobalamin). In addition to serving as cofactors in biochemical reactions, the vitamin B complex is vital for normal body growth and development, healthy skin, the proper function of nerves and the heart, and red blood cell formation.
The overall lack of water-soluble vitamins is rare in North America, though it can present in alcohol use disorder, malabsorption syndromes, strict veganism, and malnourished states.

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