
Vegan Vitamin D2 Supplement

If you’re here then you’ve probably Google’d about: vegan vitamin d2 supplement.

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It also appears to keep our muscles healthy too. Some people say that vitamin D is not really a vitamin because we can make it when our skin is exposed to sunlight. It is recommended that all of us get some vitamin D from our diet during autumn and winter, and some of us may need a dietary intake all year round.

A vitamin D intake of 8.5-10mcg (micrograms) per day is recommended for infants less than one year old, and an intake of 10mcg is recommended for everyone else. Considerations for vegans

It is difficult for anyone to get a daily vitamin D intake of 10mcg from food. Vegan supplements contain vitamin D3 from lichen or vitamin D2

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Need More Information?

These are general guidelines about nutrition. Discussing the use of supplements with a health professional will help to ensure that they are suitable for you or your chil.

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Vegan Vitamin D Brands

Unfortunately, most vitamin D supplements are not vegan. Until recently, nearly every brand was produced from lanolin, a non-vegan byproduct of the wool industry.
Vegans were stuck taking an expensive and much less potent supplement containing ergocalciferol, commonly called Vitamin D2. There are now several vegan vitamin D3 brands on the market:

Of the above products, Pure & Essential’s Vegan Vitamin D3 delivers the best bang for the buck.

The Best Vegan Vitamin D3 Supplements (2021 Updated)

Yes, some vitamin D supplements are made from sheep’s wool (as you may be aware), but we’re not going to be looking at any of those here – we’ll be sticking to vegan-friendly pill.

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