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Vitamin B 3 Deficiency Symptoms

If you’re here, then you probably Google’d: vitamin b 3 deficiency symptoms. We will do our best to answer this and many other similar questions in this article which should ease your mind regarding this subject.

Niacin Deficiency Symptoms

Dition that occurs when a person doesn’t get enough or can’t absorb niacin or its amino acid precursor, tryptophan. However, there have been outbreaks of niacin deficiency in areas of the world where food is scarce. Like all B vitamins, niacin plays a role in converting carbohydrates into glucose, metabolizing fats and proteins, and keeping the nervous system working properly.
Your liver can convert tryptophan from high-protein foods like meats and milk into niaci.

Deficiency Symptoms

Uses In Medicine

However, research into this has produced mixed results, and some people have had adverse effects. However, taking high doses of vitamin B-3 as a supplement can result in adverse effects.

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Who Is At Risk?

Certain groups, such as older adults and pregnant women, are more at risk for vitamin B deficiencies. They need larger amounts of some types of vitamin B. Certain conditions, such as Crohn’s disease, Celiac disease, HIV, and alcohol use disorder can prevent the body from absorbing B vitamins effectively, increasing the risk for deficiencies.
They can range from fatigue and confusion to anemia or a compromised immune system. To treat a B vitamin deficiency, your doctor will likely recommend that you take supplements or increase your intake of certain foods that contain the target vitamin.

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