
Vitamin B12 Good For High Blood Pressure

Vitamin B12 Benefits

Vitamin B-12 is found in almost all multivitamins, which is a testament to how valuable it is health-wise. Vitamin B-12 is naturally present in animal products, so ​vegetarians and vegans​ are among those most likely to require vitamin B-12 supplements. There are many benefits provided by vitamin B-12 because of its role in so many metabolic functions.
​ Vitamin B-12 is instrumental in maintaining the health and size of red blood cells. If this is not present (or breaks down over time due to a lack of vitamin B-12) the nerves are vulnerable to damage. If this is not present (or breaks down over time due to a lack of vitamin B-12) the nerves are vulnerable to damage.
​DNA:​ Vitamin B-12 plays a role in the production of DNA, the genetic material that makes up all cells, allowing for increased cell regeneration. Advertisement

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You consume the majority of vitamin B-12 from a balanced diet, and unlike many water-soluble vitamins, it is not passed through the body in the urine. Nonetheless, if symptoms of vitamin B-12 deficiency arise, it’s important to contact a health care professional for advice.

1. Magnesium

Studies show that magnesium supplements may help reduce blood pressure by increasing the production of nitric oxide — a signaling molecule that helps relax blood vessels Every 100-mg daily increase in dietary magnesium was linked to a 5% reduction in high blood pressure risk

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The condition, also known as hypertension, puts extra pressure on blood vessels and vital organs. If you have high blood pressure, you could be at greater risk of several life-threatening conditions, including heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. Extremely high blood pressure symptoms may include a pounding in your chest, finding blood in your urine, and an irregular heartbeat.
But, you could lower your risk of high blood pressure by taking daily vitamin B12 supplements, according to Healthspan’s Head of Nutrition Rob Hobso.

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