
Vitamin B6 Water Retention

This isn’t an easy topic to write about nor is it an easy topic to find information about since it’s quite complex.

1. Eat Less Salt

Salt is made of sodium and chloride. Sodium binds to water in the body and helps maintain the balance of fluids both inside and outside of cells. In fact, these foods are the biggest dietary source of sodium.
Several studies have found that increased sodium intake leads to increased retention of fluid inside the body On the other hand, one study in healthy men did not find the same effect, so results may depend on the individual

First Of All, What Causes Water Retention?2

Water retention can be down to a number of different things, most of which are nothing to worry about and easy to identify.
The most likely causes are typically:

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A lack of certain minerals due to a poor diet

Too much salt in your diet

Long periods of inactivity

Hormonal changes due to things like pregnancy or menstruation

It’s also possible for edema to be a symptom of an underlying health issue to do with your kidneys or heart. If you experience sudden water retention and also have other symptoms which are not normal for you, you may want see a doctor right away.

Vitamin C

Aid water weight loss.
Fluid retention occurs due to your body’s reaction to warm weather, high salt intake and hormonal changes caused by menstruation. Water is a natural diuretic that naturally helps alleviate fluid retention. Certain vitamins can also assist with water weight loss.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, vitamin C supplements have a diuretic effect, so drink plenty of fluids when taking the vitamin. The organic compound can cause increased urination when taken. Free radicals can cause cancer, heart disease and arthritis.

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Natural sources of vitamin C are oranges, cauliflower, strawberries and broccoli. The vitamin isn’t stored in the human body, so it needs to be obtained through supplementation or food. Low levels of vitamin C can cause high blood pressure, stroke, some cancers and gall bladder disease.
Vitamin B6

According to the Better Health Channel, vitamin B6 can help in cases of mild fluid retention. The vitamin is not produced by your body and must be replaced each day. Advertisement

Natural sources of B6, also called pyridoxine, are beans, nuts, eggs, brown rice and meats.
Vitamin D

According to an article on Medical News Today, vitamin D deficiency can cause hypertension, fluid retention and osteoporosis. Vitamin D, calcium and vitamin B5 can help your body to excrete excess fluids. Increase fresh fruit and low-fat dairy consumption to increase the diuretic effect.
Ten minutes of sunlight per day can be enough to prevent deficienc.

What Is The Treatment Of Water Retention?

After having a complete diagnosis, the treatment is done to treat the cause. Eat foods rich in vitamin B6 such as banana, potatoes, walnuts and meat

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Include potassium rich food as they decrease the sodium levels in the body.

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