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Vitamin C Deficiency

In this article we will be discussing a very common question: vitamin c deficiency. It’s quite a sensitive & complex subject, as such we will do our best at providing a clear and concise article to clear any doubts you may have.

Msd Manual

It is also essential for the normal function of blood vessels. Vitamin C helps maintain healthy teeth and gums. Vitamin C also helps burns and wounds heal.
(See also Overview of Vitamins Overview of Vitamins Vitamins are a vital part of a healthy diet.

1. Rough, Bumpy Skin

Tial nutrient that must be consumed regularly to prevent deficiency.

(Scurvy; Ascorbic Acid Deficiency)

Laboratory confirmation may be available.
Bleeding, coagulation, and prothrombin times are normal. Skeletal x-rays can help diagnose childhood (but not adult) scurvy. A line of calcified, irregular cartilage (white line of Fraenkel) may be visible at the metaphysis.
A zone of rarefaction or a linear fracture proximal and parallel to the white line may be visible as only a triangular defect at the bone’s lateral margin but is specific. The epiphysis may be compressed.

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What Is Vitamin C?

Vitamins are a group of substances needed in small amounts by the body to maintain health.
Vitamin C is also called ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is needed to make a substance called collagen which is required for the health and repair of various tissues in the body, including:




Ligaments and tendons

Blood vessel walls


There are various foods that are rich in vitamin C, including:

Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, limes and lemons. Berries such as blackcurrants, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and cranberries.
Vegetables such as spinach, green and red peppers, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and potatoes. Vitamin C is also found in fresh milk, fish and offal such as liver and kidney. Cooking fruit and vegetables reduces their vitamin C content by around a third.
The recommended daily intake of vitamin C in the diet depends on your age and sex. Children aged 1-10 years need 30 mg of vitamin C per day. Children aged 11-14 years need 35 mg of vitamin C per day.
Children over the age of 15 years and adults need 40 mg per day.

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