
Vitamin C Foods Vegetarian

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1. Kakadu Plums

It’s also rich in potassium, vitamin E and the antioxidant lutein, which may benefit eye health Summary Kakadu plums contain up to 5,300 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams, making it the richest known source of this vitamin.

#1: Guavas

Ed: July 28th, 2021

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient required for the maintenance of skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage, and wound healing.

Vitamin C also helps protect cells against oxidative stress, which in turn provides protection against certain diseases, including cancer. The current daily value (% DV) for vitamin C is 90mg. (7)

Below is a list high vitamin C foods ranked by a common serving size, use the nutrient ranking of over 200 foods high in vitamin C to see the foods highest in vitamin C by nutrient density (per gram), or see rankings of fruits high in vitamin C, and vegetables high in vitamin.

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Of year—with the chilly sweater weather and fun holiday plans also comes cold and flu season. This tart fruit is packed with vitamin C as well as manganese, copper, and vitamins B6 and B1. Bell Peppers (74 mg per cup)

These nutritional powerhouses are loaded with vitamins A, B6, and C. And bell peppers are amazingly versatile—tons of tasty recipes are available online.
Click here for nine vegan salads to make when you want to feel healthy A.

How Much Do You Need Daily?

Corbic acid) is necessary for the growth and repair of all the tissues in the human body. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, which means it helps prevent our DNA from the damage caused by free radicals – dangerous metabolism by-products.
It’s best to get vitamin C from foods, as a supplement might not have the same effect and vitamin C rich foods tend to have multiple health benefits. Water-soluble nutrients like vitamin C may be lost during cooking. Cooking can remove up to two-thirds of the vitamin C in fresh spinach and canned peas and carrots may lose 85 to 95 per cent of their vitamin C. Depending on the method used, loss of vitamin C during cooking typically ranges from 15 to 55 per cent.
Try to avoid boiling vegetables, lightly steam them and just gently wilt leaves like spinach and chard. Vitamin C levels are often are higher in frozen foods compared with fresh produce, probably because vitamin C is lost during storage and transport of fresh produce. Contrary to popular belief, vitamin C supplements don’t help prevent colds but a healthy diet with vitamin C rich foods can help boost your immune syste.

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