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Vitamin C Rich Foods Recipes

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Instead of deep-frying the fish for these fish tacos, we coat the fish with a flavor-packed chile rub and grill it instead. Sometimes flipping fish on the grill can be tricky since the fish can stick to the grill or fall apart. The solution is to invest in a grill basket that easily holds 4 to 6 fish fillets and secures the fish in the basket for easy flipping.

Broccolini Salad With Roasted Garlic Dressing

Lemon Rasam

It is a water-soluble vitamin, which is otherwise known as L-ascorbic acid and is found in various fruits and vegetables. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant and is mostly found in citric fruits and green vegetables. All these benefits are part of vitamin C, however, it’s mainly important for the human body as it helps fight against various diseases along with providing you immunity.
If you consume a meal that’s high in Vitamin C, it will help you in repairing your body tissues. Not just that, Vitamin C rich food diet also helps in healing wounds faster while repairing your bones. You can consume dishes made of banana, citric foods like – orange, kiwi, pineapple, berries, and last but not the least lemon.
Once can also include green vegetables like – cabbage, broccoli, capsicum, kale, mustard spinach, brussels sprouts in their diet. One of the important facts about consuming dishes made using Vitamin C rich foods is they should not be cut for too long as vitamin C can get lost in exposure to ai.

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Best Foods For Vitamin C

One serving of any of the foods below contains more than 20 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin C. This makes these foods “excellent” sources of the vitamin, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

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