
Vitamin C Vs Calcium

We’re frequently asked in our comment section about: vitamin c vs calcium. Hopefully by the end of this article you’ll have no doubts about this subject.


On a picnic blanket eating watermelon. Image Credit: E. Dygas/Photodisc/Getty Images

Vitamin C and calcium are two essential nutrients for a variety of reasons, but your body needs each for different processes. It is important to meet the recommended daily allowance for both, and you can get them from a variety of foods.
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Vitamin C is not only necessary for growth and development, but it also makes a protein that is essential for your ligaments, tendons and skin. Additionally, this vitamin helps to maintain the cartilage in your bones and teeth, two areas that require calcium for growth, strength and development. Vitamin C is also needed for healing wounds and protecting your cells from environmental damage.
Calcium, meanwhile, contributes to blood clotting, muscle movement and the transmission of signals between your nerves. Advertisement

RDA’s and Sources

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the RDA for vitamin C is 75 mg for women over 19 and 90 mg for men over 19. For calcium, the RDA is 1,000 mg for both sexes between the ages of 19 and 50, and once you turn 51, your RDA becomes 1,200 mg.
Signs of a vitamin C deficiency include bleeding gums, rough skin, easy bruising and a compromised immune system. Meanwhile, if you become deficient in calcium, you may develop osteoporosis, which is a weakening of the tissue in your bones and, in time, this can lead to a loss of bone density. Talk to your doctor about designing a balanced diet to meet the RDA’s of these nutrients, and ask about supplements if you are unable to get the vitamin C and calcium you need through food.

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Because vitamin C is water-soluble, your body rids itself of the excess, making an overdose unlikely. High intake of calcium, on the other hand, can increase your risk of developing kidney stones over time. See your health care provider if you experience any of these symptom.

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Te procollagen, enhance collagen synthesis, and stimulate alkaline phosphatase activity, a marker for osteoblast formation. Studies of dietary vitamin C intake and the relation with bone mineral density (BMD) have been conflicting, probably because of the well-known limitations of dietary nutrient assessment questionnaires. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the independent relation of daily vitamin C supplement use with BMD in a population-based sample of postmenopausal women.
Bmd levels were measured at the ultradistal and midshaft radii, hip, and lumbar spine. After adjusting for age, body mass index (BMI), and total calcium intake, vitamin C users had BMD levels approximately 3% higher at the midshaft radius, femoral neck, and total hip (p < 0.05). Women taking both estrogen and vitamin C had significantly higher BMD levels at all sites. Vitamin C supplement use appears to have a beneficial effect on levels of BMD, especially among postmenopausal women using concurrent estrogen therapy and calcium supplement.

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How To Use Calcium Ascorbate

These drug interactions are possible, but do not always occur. Your doctor or pharmacist can often prevent or manage interactions by changing how you use your medications or by close monitoring.
To help your doctor and pharmacist give you the best care, be sure to tell your doctor and pharmacist about all the products you use (including prescription drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products) before starting treatment with this product. While using this product, do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any other medicines you are using without your doctor’s approval. The calcium in this product can interfere with your body’s ability to absorb certain drugs, especially if you take them around the same time.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist how long to wait between doses and when you should take your medications. Check the labels on all your medicines and vitamins because they may also contain vitamin C and/or calcium. Ask your pharmacist about using those products safely.
This document does not contain all possible interactions. Before using this product, tell your doctor or pharmacist of all the products you use. Keep a list of all your medications with you, and share the list with your doctor and pharmacis.

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