
Vitamin D Foods List For Pregnancy

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to build and maintain strong bones and teeth, you should eat calcium-rich foods like milk and yogurt. But you might not know that vitamin D plays an equally important role — it’s what enables your body to absorb and hold onto that calcium and other minerals you and your developing baby need. Not only does vitamin D help us absorb calcium so we maintain strong bones, but the fat-soluble vitamin also aids immune function and plays a part in blood sugar regulation.
Read on to discover how much vitamin D is recommended during pregnancy, the best vitamin D-rich foods, plus everything you need to know about vitamin D supplementation when there’s a baby on the way.

Why You Need Vitamin D During Pregnancy

Your body needs vitamin D when you’re pregnant to maintain proper levels of calcium and phosphorus, which help build your baby’s bones and teeth. Vitamin D is also important for healthy eyesight and skin.
You can also have a vitamin D deficiency without any symptoms.

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Where Do You Get Vitamin D?

Before we dive into the benefits and risks of vitamin D during pregnancy, let’s discuss how you get vitamin D in the first place. Exposure to sunlight

Vitamin D is produced when rays from the sun land on your skin.
Several factors are at play when it comes to vitamin D production and sunlight exposure. Eating the right food

Vitamin D doesn’t occur naturally in too many foods. Taking vitamin D supplements

Vitamin D can be found in supplements in two different forms: vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).

What Are The Best Sources Of Vitamin D?

Once these have been used up, other sources are required to maintain an adequate supply2.

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