
Vitamin D3 Eczema


Vitamin D is known to have a regulatory influence on both the immune system and skin barrier function, both critical in the pathogenesis of eczema. Well-designed, adequately powered, randomised controlled trials are needed. The study design of any new intervention trials should measure vitamin D levels at multiple time points during the intervention, ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure via the use of individual UV dosimeters, and investigate the role of individual genetic polymorphisms.
Keywords: eczema, infancy, pregnancy, prevention, treatment, vitamin D.


Atopic dermatitis (AD), a common chronic inflammatory dermatosis, is clinically distinguished by pruritus, eczematous plaques and a defective epidermal barrier. Nevertheless, the disease may persist in more than 10% of these patients until adolescence or adulthood.1-5 Global evidences reflect a marked increase in prevalence, which has tripled since 1960.
In the United States, the current prevalence rates range from 10% to 20% in children and 1 to 3% in adults.6 There is little data on the prevalence of this disease in Brazil. New discoveries about genetics and pathophysiology of AD point to an important role of structural abnormalities in the epidermis, as well as changes in the immune system. Environmental factors and other unidentified aspects may influence the expression of the disease.
Research linking vitamin D deficiency to an increased risk of malignancies (especially colorectal), atopic diseases, autoimmune, infectious and, cardiovascular disorders, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, neuropsychiatric symptoms and mortality, is noteworthy.7 Hypovitaminosis D is increasingly found in developing countries. The reference values to stratify between normal, insufficient and deficient are controversial and far from being settled.8 It is estimated that 3 out of 4 Americans and 1 billion people worldwide have vitamin D insufficiency.9,10 For this review, a PubMed search was performed using the keywords “atopic dermatitis” and “vitamin D” in addition to “hypovitaminosis D”. The search was restricted to articles published in English, with no date limitation.
Depending on the content of abstracts, manuscripts of interest were selected and included in this review. References of these manuscripts were also evaluated in search for relevant papers. Finally, reviews and publications about this theme, found in the digital library of the authors, were also used.

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Daily Regimen Of Quercetin

My eczema condition, with which I have been dealing for over twenty years, has improved rather significantly over the past three months.

1. Fish Oil

Meanwhile, a study in mice concluded that omega-3 fatty acids may help decrease markers of inflammation and reduce skin lesions caused by eczema What’s more, one study found that consuming fish oil during pregnancy may help reduce the prevalence and severity of eczema in their children Summary Although more research is needed, some animal and human studies suggest that fish oil may be beneficial for the treatment of eczema.

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