
Vitamin E And Selenium

Vitamin E Benefits

Antioxidants are compounds that help protect the body from free radicals – unstable molecules that damage cells, tissues and organs, leading to aging and chronic diseases. Vitamin E also helps keep your immune system strong and allows your body to form red blood cells, which are responsible for delivering oxygen to your tissues and removing waste products from your body. Your body also needs vitamin E in order to use vitamin K properly.
Vitamin K is known as the coagulation vitamin because it plays a vital role in proper blood clotting.

Sources Of Vitamin E

The Food and Nutrition Board recommends both adult males and females consume 15 milligrams of vitamin E every day. Foods that contain vitamin E include sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts and peanut butter.
In fact, selenium is even more effective as an antioxidant when combined with vitamin E, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. Cottage cheese, brown rice, white rice and walnuts also contain selenium. The exact selenium content of foods can vary because the amount of selenium in the food depends on the amount of selenium in the soil in which the food was grown.

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Recent Blog Articles

Tudies of “supplements” end up showing at best, no positive outcomes, and, at worst, an actual increase in risk to participants receiving the “treatment”. I find it very interesting that instead of rationally accepting this, there is almost invariably an attempt to turn this into a “Big Pharma” conspiracy theory…

Be it “Big Pharma” or “Big Supplements” (ingredients usually manufactured by big pharma companies, BTW…) the concept of continually ADDING more and more things to the diet in hopes of compensating for the already ludicrously excessive consumption of salt, sugar, and fat and the deficiency of natural, whole foods stinks of consumerism-run-amok (!).

Can We Really Just Buy Our Way To Health And Happiness By Eating More And More Manufactured “Products”?

Eating whole foods, eating only the calories sufficient to maintain body weight (i.e. Approach to promoting the best health for the most people on this plane.

Dietary Supplements ‘Not Necessarily Helpful Or Innocuous’

According to the investigators, previous research has suggested that men who already have an adequate intake of selenium would not benefit from supplements of the nutrient.
Other food sources of selenium include muscle meats, cereals and dairy products. According to the Food and Nutrition Board, the recommended dietary allowance for both males and females aged 14 years and over is 55 mcg per day. For the study, the researchers wanted to determine whether taking daily high doses of vitamin E (400 IU) and/or selenium (200 mcg) may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
The vitamin is commonly found in foods such as nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, green leafy vegetables and fortified cereal.

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