
Vitamin E Complex

It’s quite a sensitive & complex subject, as such we will do our best at providing a clear and concise article to clear any doubts you may have.

How To Use Vitamin E Complex Capsule

Follow all directions on the product package. Do not increase your dose or take it more often than recommended. There is no proof that high doses of vitamin E help to prevent or treat heart disease.
There is very little evidence that it helps prevent or treat Alzheimer’s disease. You should see improvement of symptoms such as numbness/tingling of the hands/feet and weakness. If your condition persists or worsens, or if you think you may have a serious medical problem, seek immediate medical attentio.

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Ostrovit Vitamin E Natural Tocopherols Complex 90 Capsules

OstroVit Vitamin E Natural Tocopherols Complex is a universal dietary supplement which protects your organism against harmful impact of free radicals from food and environment. Vitamin E and four natural tocopherols have anti-oxidant properties, thanks to which they counteract various diseases.

Do You Still Want To Feel Young And Healthy As Well As Enjoy Beautiful Skin?

Try OstroVit Vitamin E Natural Tocopherols Complext capsules.


The effects of vitamin E and tocopherols deficiency may be very dangerous. Thanks to this, you can provide your organism with comprehensive care.
– OstroVit dietary supplement contains vitamin E, tocopherols and other ingredients strengthening their impact. Anti-OXIDANT PROPERTIES – The most important benefit arising from use of the supplement is fierce fight against free radicals which contribute to skin aging and can lead to numerous diseases. – The most important benefit arising from use of the supplement is fierce fight against free radicals which contribute to skin aging and can lead to numerous diseases.
One package is sufficient for about three months of regular supplementation. Ingredients of dietary supplement

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Active substances included in the supplement:.


Natural Vitamin E Complex contains all 8 forms of Natural Vitamin E:

4 forms of Tocopherols (d-alpha/beta/delta/gamma-tocopherol), and 4 forms of Tocotrienols (d-alpha/beta/delta/gamma-tocotrienol), providing potent antioxidant protection.
Vitamin E supplements typically contain only the alpha-tocopherol form. Our complex contains all forms of vitamin E which appear to be the same but, have slight differences in structure, resulting in different forms of absorption and effectiveness in the body.

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