
Vitamin E Horse Supplement

We’re frequently asked in our comment section about: vitamin e horse supplement.

Why Is Vitamin E Important?

Vitamin E is a collective term used to describe a group of eight compounds known as tocopherols, the most bioavailable of which is alpha-tocopherol (α-TOH)—in particular, RRR stereoisomer (RRR-α-TOH). Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a critical role in neuromuscular health. Veterinarians typically use serum levels of α-TOH to assess a horse’s whole-body vitamin E status, with values of >2 µg/mL considered to be normal.
Individual metabolism of vitamin E between horses varies greatly, Finno stressed. Whether a vitamin-E-deficient horse will develop these conditions depends on multiple factors, such as the extent of the deficiency, genetic predisposition, and when during the horse’s life the deficiency occurs. Finno’s research has shown that foals with eNAD/EDM have very low α-TOH levels in their cerebrospinal fluid, suggesting that if vitamin E deficiencies occur in genetically susceptible foals during their first year of life, eNAD/EDM might result.
A short-term deficiency might result in muscle weakness, while longer-term deficiencies might lead to full-blown VEM. In her work with Stephanie Valberg, DVM, PhD, Dipl. Acvim, ACVSMR, of Michigan State University, Finno has shown that apparently healthy horses had serum α-TOH below 2 µg/ml.

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Why Should I Use Nano-E For My Horse?

In E that is most abundant in the body, and is therefore the most appropriate for use in supplementation. To make alpha-tocopherol stable for use in most supplements, it must be chemically joined with an acid during manufacture, a process called esterification. A certain group of enzymes called esterases are chemically capable of unlocking the padlock created through esterification.
Once free, alpha-tocopherol is available for absorption with its antioxidant properties intact. Because it is not mixed with other ingredients, the vitamin E in Nano-E does not need to be protected by esterification, but it must become water-soluble or dispersible in liquid. To overcome this, researchers use proprietary technology to encapsulate the vitamin E in nanoparticles and then surround each nanoparticle with a hydrophilic (water-loving) outer layer.
The differences in bioavailability among vitamin E sources are shown in Figure.

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Although synthetic vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopherol) is absorbed by the horse, natural vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol) has been shown to be more biologically active. Serving size: According to the most current NRC Nutrient Requirements of Horses , the maintenance vitamin E requirement is 1 international unit (IU) per kilogram of body weight per day for adult horses, breeding stallions, and pregnant mares (500IU for a 1,100lb horse) and 2 IU/kg BW for growing horses, lactating mares, and horses beyond moderate work.
Veterinarians may prescribe higher levels in the management of certain medical conditions of the muscle and/or nervous systems. Toxicity: Vitamin E does not appear to be toxic to horses even at relatively high intakes, and the upper safe diet concentration is set at 1,000 IU/kg dry matter by the NRC, based on observations in other species.

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S an antioxidant, helping to support cell activity and protects cell membranes from free radicals.

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