
Vitamin P Rutin

If you’re here then you’ve probably Google’d about: vitamin p rutin. This article aims to clear any doubts and questions you may have about this subject and we will do our best to do so.

Para Que Serve A Rutina?

Isto se dá, principalmente, pelo trabalho em conjunto com a vitamina C proveniente das frutas cítricas. Flavonoides protegem a estrutura dos vasos sanguíneos e estimulam a circulação do sangue

A vitamina P está associada à melhora da circulação sanguínea daqueles que consomem a substância regularmente.
Por auxiliar no fortalecimento e na elasticidade dos vasos sanguíneos, a rutina é considerada uma substância crucial para a saúde do coração, pois previne coágulos, reduz os níveis de colesterol ruim no sangue e regula a pressão arterial. Consequentemente, os indivíduos que consomem vitamina P com frequência têm reflexos mais rápidos, melhoram os níveis de atenção e foco e demonstram redução das falhas de memória.

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Chás Preto E Verde Possuem Boas Taxas De Rutina

Além de contarem com a presença da rutina, as bebidas também têm boas quantidades de catequina, um derivado dos flavonoides que combate células cancerígenas e intensifica a redução do colesterol no sangue.
Apenas uma xícara diária do chá pode gerar efeitos extremamente positivos para o corpo em questão de meses.

Types Of Flavonoids And Food Sources

There are currently over 6,000 known flavonoids Here are the major classes of flavonoids and their food sources: Flavonols.
These compounds are found in olive oil, berries, onions, kale, grapes, tomatoes, red wine, and teas These compounds are found in olive oil, berries, onions, kale, grapes, tomatoes, red wine, and teas These are also widely present in the food supply.
They exist in parsley, thyme, mint, celery, and chamomile This subclass includes catechins, such as epicatechin and epigallocatechin, which are found in high concentrations in black, green, and oolong tea. This subclass includes catechins, such as epicatechin and epigallocatechin, which are found in high concentrations in black, green, and oolong tea.
Flavanols are also present in cocoa, apples, grapes, and red wines Found in citrus fruits, flavanones are responsible for the bitter taste of orange, lemon, and other citrus peels. Examples include hesperitin, naringenin, and eriodictyol The best-known isoflavones are genistin and daidzin, which are found in soybeans and soy products Different types of flavonoids are abundant in fruits, vegetables, red wine, cocoa, and teas.

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Rutin 500Mg – Vitamin P – 90 Capsules

P stands for “permeability” (penetrability), because flavonoids are able to contribute to reducing the permeability of blood vessels.
Rutin is a secondary plant substance and a glycoside of quercetin. It supports the cardiovascular system by counteracting the clotting of blood platelets. Supplementing rutin can be helpful with unpleasant, visible veins on the legs.
Rutin-rich foods

The flesh of citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruits are goods sources of rutin. Ginkgo biloba, apples and figs are also rich in rutin. It is able to contribute to the protection of the eye function, because it promotes the collagen content in the eyes.
Strong antioxidant

The huge antioxidant potential of rutin is able to contribute to neutralising free radicals and protection healthy cells and tissues. Rutin and heavy metals

A special property of rutin is the ability to bind mercury and promote its removal from the body.

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