
Vitamins And Alzheimer’S


These nutrients protect your body from molecules called “free radicals” that damage cells and can cause cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. There are a lot of different antioxidants, like beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, and resveratrol. They are in plant foods, such as berries, greens, tea, and bell peppers.
Free radicals tend to build up in nerve cells as we get older. The antioxidant connection is a hot area in Alzheimer’s research, but everyone agrees that more still needs to be done.

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The cause of the disease has not been established, but it is suggested that many factors affect it, including nutritional aspects.
As part of the work, the PubMed database has been searched, beginning from 2005, for terms related to key nutritional aspects. A diet rich in antioxidant vitamins can improve the cognitive functions of patients.

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B Vitamins: B3, B6, B12, & Folic Acid(B9)​

Ns for Alzheimer’s and Dementia ​ Studies have shown that certain vitamins can reduce the risk of memory loss and cognitive decline.
B Vitamins: B3, B6, B12, & Folic Acid(B9) ​

B Vitamins ​ B Vitamins have an important role in the human brain and nervous system. They are responsible for the creation and maintenance of cells in the brain.

Vitamin E

​ Vitamin E ​ Researchers believe that Vitamin E can help with Alzheimer’s Disease because of its anti-oxidative properties.
​ Several studies have found that Salvia Officinalis leads to “significantly better cognitive function” and fewer cognitive issues. ​ Learn More: Salvia Officinalis ​​

Vitamin D

​ Vitamin D ​ Vitamin D is one of the most important supplements because of the serious issues associated with deficiency and because approximately 95 percent of seniors are Vitamin D deficient. ​ Two studies examined 4,500 individuals over the age of 65.
They both found that lower levels of Vitamin D were associated with worse mental performance. ​ Learn More: Vitamin D ​​

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Turmeric Curcumin

Turmeric Curcumin ​ Curcumin has been studied for its brain and memory benefits. ​ Learn More: Turmeric Curcumin ​​

Omega 3-6-9

Omega 3-6-9 ​ Omega 3-6-9s are an important type of nutrients required for healthy brain development.
They have been shown to have numerous benefits to memory and cognition.​ ​ Studies have shown that individuals whom consume higher amounts of Omega 3-6-9 show “higher amounts of memory recall and learning” and are 41% less likely to develop dementia.​ ​ Learn More: Omega 3-6-9s ​


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