We’re frequently asked in our comment section about: vitamins for bone marrow health.
Health Benefits
As bone marrow has gained popularity in top kitchens around the world, scientists and doctors have begun to take a closer look at the following health benefits it presents:
Lower Risk of Weight-related Diseases
One study showed that the fat tissue in bone marrow contains a hormone called adiponectin. This hormone helps break down fats. It can maintain insulin sensitivity, and it has been linked to lower risk of diabetes, cardiovascular (heart) disease, and other obesity-associated cancers.
Maintains Skin, Bone, and Joint Health
Bone marrow is full of collagen, which improves the health and strength of bones and skin. Reduces Risk of Inflammation-related Diseases
Glycine and conjugated linoleic acid are both abundant in bone marrow, and they’ve been shown to have strong anti-inflammatory properties.
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Diet Tips
However, there are specific nutrition strategies that can be used to treat common symptoms, such as kidney damage and anemia, as well as to reduce cancer recurrence.
Foods for anemia Multiple myeloma can cause anemia, a condition where there are too few red blood cells in the body. Anemia can also be caused by iron, folate, and vitamin B-12 deficiencies. Iron There are two types of iron: heme and non-heme.
Heme iron is more readily absorbed by the body. If a person is found to have low iron levels, taking an iron supplement and eating foods high in iron can help. The best sources of heme iron include: clams
red meat
sardines The best sources of non-heme iron include: beans
spinach and other leafy greens A person should be sure to include sources of vitamin C with non-heme iron in their diet to improve absorption.
Folate Folate is a B vitamin that helps with the formation of red and white blood cells in the bone marrow. A deficiency in B-12 can further decrease the bone marrow’s ability to make and maintain red blood cells in people with multiple myeloma. Sources of vitamin D include: sunlight
fortified orange juice
fortified yogurt and milk
sockeye salmon, tuna, and sardines
egg yolks.
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The two vitamins are closely related in DNA synthesis, whereas iron is the most abundant heavy metal in the body and is chiefly utilized for hemoglobin synthesis. Concomitant conditions of vitamin B12 and/or folate deficiency along with iron deficiency are not infrequent, and one type of anemia may mask the other. It is important to establish the correct diagnoses, as therapy directed at the wrong deficiency may hide the real deficiency with disastrous results.
Specific diagnostic tests are now available to determine definitive diagnoses, and specific therapy is readily available to restore and maintain a normal nutrient statu.