
Vitamins For Bone Repair

In this article we will be discussing a very common question: vitamins for bone repair. It’s quite a sensitive & complex subject, as such we will do our best at providing a clear and concise article to clear any doubts you may have.

Vitamin D

It helps your blood take in and use calcium and build up the minerals in your bones. You get some vitamin D when sunlight hits your skin, so it can be a good idea to spend a short amount of time outdoors each day — 15 minutes may be enough for a fair-skinned person. Good sources: Swordfish, salmon, cod liver oil, sardines, liver, fortified milk or yogurt, egg yolks, and fortified orange juic.


Introduction Fractures are quite common, especially among the elderly. However, they can increase in prevalence in younger ages too if the bone health is not good. This may happen as a result of bad nutrition.
The importance of different nutrients, both dietary and found in food supplements, is discussed concerning bone health and fracture healing. Conclusion A healthy diet with adequate amounts of both macro- and micronutrients is essential, for both decreasing fracture risk and enhancing the healing process after fracture.

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Physiology Of Fracture Healing

The inflammation phase is the first stage of healing.
These cells immediately begin to differentiate into specialized cells that build new bone tissue (osteoblasts) and new cartilage (chondroblasts). At this initial stage, osteoclast cells dissolve and recycle bone debris. In this stage, proteins produced by the osteoblasts and chondroblasts begin to consolidate into what is known as a soft callus.
This soft, new bone substance eventually hardens into a hard callus as the bone weaves together over a 6- to 12-week time period. The final step of fracture repair is known as the remodeling phase. At this stage the callus begins to mature and remodel itself.

Recent Blog Articles

Calcium pills work: I take Citracal MAX with D. My story is a bit too long, so here is the short version:

1) I refused to take a prescription drug for osteoporosis of spine and other places on my body (the year 2011), because of the known side effects of regular prescribed medications. 2) Three doctors showed concern (my spine) over the above, so I promised them this:

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I would take “4” CITRACAL Max at 4 different times of the day for 2 years, and I would eat yogurt and add as much skim milk to my diet as I can (Usually only in my Cheerios or the Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal that I eat a least 5 times a week. 3) I also promised the doctors that IF I still have Osteoporosis at the end of 2 years (when my “next” Dexa test was due) that I would indeed go to a prescription drug.
4) At the end of 2 years (the year was 2013) I went from Osteoporosis to Osteopenia. My general practitioner was happily shocked (and so was I). I experimented with myself, and I will see what my next test indicates — I should be taking my next test this year, in 2018.
Hopefully, my Osteoporosis is gone–for me, the scary mystery continues . I tell the doctors what I am going to do with regard to my personal health, and they assist me with patience, assistance, agreement, and disagreement, and sometimes, scoldin.

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