
Vitamins Good For Gastritis

In this article we will be discussing a very common question: vitamins good for gastritis. It’s quite a sensitive & complex subject, as such we will do our best at providing a clear and concise article to clear any doubts you may have.

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Es show that high intake of food-bound vitamin C and E reduces the risk of gastric cancer. Whether dietary supplementation with antioxidant micronutrients interferes with Helicobacter pylori infection and associated diseases is unclear. Materials and methods: Gerbils were divided into four groups: H. Pylori-infected animals fed with vitamin C- or vitamin E-supplemented food, and infected and uninfected animals given standard rodent food.
Concentrations of 3-nitrotyrosine and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) in the gastric mucosa were determined with an immunodot blot and a fluorometric method, respectively. Vitamin E supplements decreased mucosal protein carbonyls and TBARS in short-term gastritis. In addition, vitamin C supplements caused attenuated mucosal oxidative DNA damage and milder mucosal inflammation in short-term gastritis.
Conclusion: Vitamin C or vitamin E supplementation leads to some short-term protective effects on H. Pylori-induced gastritis in Mongolian gerbils. These effects seem to subside over time when the infection persist.

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Here, we review historic and modern studies on ascorbic acid and gastric diseases with an emphasis on H. Pylori gastritis and its sequelae.
Much of this extensive literature has been effectively “lost”. Ascorbic acid deficiency was associated with all forms of gastritis (e.g., autoimmune, chemical, and infectious) due in varying degrees to insufficient intake, increased metabolic requirements, and destruction within the GI tract. Diets rich in naturally occuring ascorbic acid are associated with protection of the gastric corpus from atrophy and a reduction in the incidence of gastric cancer possibly through the ability of ascorbic acid to reduce oxidative damage to the gastric mucosa by scavenging carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds and free radicals and attenuating the H. Pylori-induced inflammatory cascade.
Ascorbic acid supplementation was possibly associated with a decreased incidence of bleeding from peptic ulcer disease. Pharmacologic doses of ascorbic acid also may improve the effectiveness of H. Pylori eradication therapy. Occasionally, looking back can help plot the way forward.

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Gastritis And Infection

This irritation can be caused by many things. The long-term use of medications, including aspirin and anti-inflammatory medications, can cause an irritation. Cigarette smoking has also been linked to gastritis.
This acid will irritate the lining of the stomach, causing gastritis. During this procedure, a small tube is inserted down the throat into the stomach. A small camera is located at the tip of the tube, allowing doctors to visualize the walls and lining of the stomach.
A biopsy may be taken at the same time if necessary. The stool test is helpful to determine if blood is present. Many times, a biopsy of the esophagus will be taken to determine the exact cause of the discomfort being experienced.
Once the diagnosis of gastritis is made, there are various preventative methods and treatments.

Lifestyle Changes

It is suggested patients make lifestyle changes and avoid the use of irritants that could cause attacks of gastritis. Many times, just removing these irritants from the patient’s life will cure the gastritis completely.
In some cases, medications will be prescribed to relieve symptoms and treat infections or complications from present ulcers. Many patients opt to use herbal remedies to control gastritis. Most patients are told to steer clear of salt.
Some patients have found that eating a banana in the morning will help to reduce the acid in the stomach. Aside from herbal cures, vitamins play a large role in relieving symptoms of gastritis. Vitamin C is one of the recommended vitamin supplements to use.
In studies, the vitamin C reduced the infection caused by H. Pylori, one of the most common infections causing gastritis. Vitamin C also absorbs iron and calcium salt in the body. These aggravate the digestive process.
An increase of vitamin C can ease the process and calm the irritation in the lining of the stomach. Though it is not a cure for gastritis, vitamin C will make a significant difference for those who suffer with chronic gastritis.

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