
Vitamins Good For Gums And Teeth

1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for the production of a structural protein called collagen, which is an important part of your gums. Vitamin C deficiency is common worldwide, especially in developing countries. A 2019 review of 14 studies looked at the relationship between people’s vitamin C levels and periodontal disease.

The Best Vitamins And Minerals For Healthy Teeth And Gums

to stay healthy just like the rest of your body.

5 Best Vitamins & Minerals For Teeth And Gums

maintain your overall health. This means eating vitamin- and mineral-rich foods as part of a healthy diet.
Though overall health is connected to oral health, so all healthy foods will help protect your teeth and gums, certain vitamins and minerals are especially important for the health of your gums and teeth. Below are five of the best vitamins and minerals for healthy teeth and gums, what foods contain these vitamins and minerals, and when you should consider taking them in supplement form.

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Found in nuts, red meat, whole grains, and chicken, phosphorus is an essential nutrient for strengthening teeth.
The amount of phosphorus your body needs will fluctuate with age.

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