
Vitamins Good For Pancreas

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Prospective and ecological studies of pancreatic cancer incidence generally support a beneficial effect of higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration as well as inverse correlations between UVB dose or exposure and incidence and/or mortality rate of pancreatic cancer. This review discusses the literature regarding vitamin D’s role in risk of diabetes and pancreatic cancer. The results to date generally satisfy Hill’s criteria for causality regarding vitamin D and incidence of these pancreatic diseases.
However, large randomized, blinded, prospective studies are required to more fully evaluate the potential therapeutic role of vitamin D in preventing pancreatic disease.

Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy

But you may benefit from — or even require — other dietary supplements also. “If you have a diagnosis of EPI, you potentially have a deficiency,” says Christy Davis, RD, a dietitian at Baptist Memorial Restorative Care Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.
Any nutrients you lack can be determined through blood tests, and that’s when you should start the supplements your doctor recommends, she says. “As a dietitian,” says Davis, “I’d much rather see patients get their vitamins and minerals from actual food sources.” But, she notes, this isn’t always easy or even possible for people with EPI. That’s where dietary supplements can be of value.
It’s important, though, to ask your doctor about any supplements you’re considering taking, as well as when you should get follow-up tests if you have a deficiency, to make sure your supplements are doing their job.

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What Are Pancreatic Enzymes?

A normally functioning pancreas secretes about 8 cups of pancreatic juice into the duodenum, daily.

Facing Pancreatic Cancer?

We asked Maria Petzel, senior clinical dietitian for the Pancreas Surgery Program at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and an emeritus member of the Scientific and Medical Advisory Board for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, what pancreatic cancer patients should know about vitamins.
If you’re undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiation, and are known to have a deficiency, it’s important to talk about vitamin and mineral supplements with your treating physician, because they could affect treatment. Fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E and K. For this reason, fat malabsorption – the inability to absorb nutrients – may contribute to deficiencies in these vitamins, as well as calcium, iron and zinc. Pancreatic enzymes may help improve fat malabsorption and nutrient digestion; speak with your healthcare team about this option.
Patients who have had the Whipple surgery can be deficient in B-12 and iron. Patients who are experiencing diarrhea can be deficient in iron and zinc. Bone health is very important for patients who have had the Whipple surgery, so they need to get adequate vitamin D and calcium.
Vitamin D is lacking in a typical diet these days, plus, our sun exposure is limited, so discuss vitamin D supplements with your physician. Healthy foods and/or nutritional supplement drinks can help replace vitamins and minerals. Here’s a recipe with bok choy and salmon, both good sources of calcium.

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