
Vitamins Good For Vision

This blog post will walk you through: vitamins good for vision. Don’t worry, we’ve got all the answers about this subject.

1. Vitamin A

In some studies, high amounts of vitamin A intake were associated with a reduced risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.


Plenty of claims are made about the positive effects of supplements on vision and eye health, but very few research studies support these claims. These are large studies conducted by the National Eye Institute.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

AMD is the leading cause of vision loss in the United States. It affects more than 10 million people. It’s mainly associated with aging, but some forms of macular degeneration affect younger people as well.
It may impair your ability to see well enough to perform daily tasks and can become worse over time. Cataracts are extremely common, particularly among older adults. Recommended supplements

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AREDS and AREDS2 looked at the effects of high doses of several antioxidants taken together for several years.
The final recommendations from AREDS2 were:

vitamin C 500 mg vitamin E 400 IU lutein 10 mg zeaxanthin 2 mg zinc 80 mg copper 2 mg (taken to prevent copper deficiency caused by zinc)

This supplement formulation is available in capsule form and is usually taken twice daily. Supplements were not effective for people with mild or very advanced stages.

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Earch suggesting that certain nutrients can help delay or prevent eye problems and disease. Here is information to help you decide.
Important: Your doctor is your first resource for information about your health. Regardless of dosage, supplements are not a cure for health problems or a substitute for medication your doctor has recommended.

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