
Vitamins Pt 1

This article aims to clear any doubts and questions you may have about this subject and we will do our best to do so.


I thought maybe you got whacked, but, as it turns out, you’re a bit of a diehard. People say there’s a new product on the market, some stuff in fancy chemical containers, like your gun silencer, but a bit larger. What’s inside them, whether it’s new drugs or just some vitamin B, no fucking idea whatsoever.


“ Oh, So You Actually Brought Some?

Hands Still Intact After Touching All These Chems?

Health Resort west wing office room 112 key needed. Emercom medical unit key needed. Interchange floor 1 map where Mantis and the Emercom are located

The Emercom container is located in a round tin, on a table in the middle of the Emercom

A close-up of the Emercom container

The third container can be found in the “Mantis” store on Interchange in a round tin in the back-middle of the store.

Vitamins Part 1 Escape From Tarkov

Office 112 West Wing Key

Key to EMERCOM Medical Unit

If you happen to have these keys, then great. Otherwise, you may have to purchase them from the Flea Market. This will probably be the price point for this key on the market for a long time, as the room behind the locked door contains a Blue Keycard spawn point.

Get First Chemical Container

Head up to the resort and make your way to the first floor on the west wing. Once you manage to get to the door, unlock it and head in. The Chemical container will be found inside the refrigerator, on the top shelf behind the open door.
You’ll regret not doing so if you die on another run with it in your in-raid quest inventory. Get Second and Third Container

Both the second and third Chemical Containers can be found on Interchange, so head on in. Once you’re inside, make your way to the central intersection, just outside of Goshan.
You should see the Chemical Container in the same kind of tin that you found the last container in. In addition, “Vitamins” – Part 2 will be unlocked for you to complete.

Escape From Tarkov Vitamins – Part 1 Quest Details

Vitamins – Part 1 Quest Dialogue Ah, it’s you… Long time no see.
I thought maybe you got whacked, but, as it turns out, you’re a bit of a diehard.

Hands Still Intact After Touching All These Chems?

I’ll get the eggheads working then, let them tinker with the stuff.

RELATED:  Vitamin E Foods Vegetarian

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