
Vitamins That Give You Energy And Burn Fat

1. B Vitamins

The B vitamins play many essential roles in energy metabolism in the body. The B vitamins include: B-12




pantothenic acid or B-5

niacin or B-3

riboflavin or B-2

thiamine or B-1 Deficiency in one of the B vitamins can affect other B vitamins, which can disrupt a person’s metabolism. Thiamine helps the body metabolize fat, protein, and carbohydrates.

How Fat Loss Occurs

Certain vitamins play a role in this process, but taking them in excess — unless you’re deficient — isn’t going to make fat burning happen more expediently. This low of a level causes your metabolism to stall, reduces muscle mass and deprives you of essential nutrients.


Chitosan usually causes no side effects, but some people get an upset stomach or constipation.
If you are allergic to shellfish, you should not take chitosan, because it is made from shellfis.

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The Powerful B Vitamins

This group of 8 water-soluble vitamins turns the carbs, protein and fat you eat into energy for your body.

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