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Vitamin B Energy

What Is Vitamin B-12?

Laim that vitamin B-12 will boost your: energy



mood However, when speaking before Congress in 2008, Susan B. Shurin, M.D. , deputy director of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, countered these claims.

What Is Vitamin B-12?

It’s one of eight B vitamins that help the body convert the food you eat into glucose, which gives you energy. The average recommended daily amounts of vitamin B-12 are: birth to 6 months old: 0.4 micrograms (mcg)

7-12 months: 0.5 mcg

1-3 years: 0.9 mcg

4-8 years: 1.2 mcg

9-13 years: 1.8 mcg

14-18 years: 2.4 mcg

19 and older: 2.4 mcg

pregnant teens and women: 2.6 mcg

breast-feeding teens and women: 2.8 mcg Vitamin B-12 is naturally in foods that come from animals, including: meat



dairy products It also may be in some fortified cereals and nutritional yeast.

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Do Older Adults Need More Vitamin B-12?

Older adults are in the age group that’s most likely to be deficient in vitamin B-12. This reduces your body’s ability to absorb vitamin B-12. The survey also says that up to 20 percent of older adults may have borderline levels of vitamin B-12.
It can: reduce your risk of a heart attack and stroke

benefit your memory

offer protection against Alzheimer’s disease

improve your balan.

News Center

B vitamins play many behind-the-scenes roles in our bodies – they’re important for nerve cell production, red blood cell production, protein synthesis and DNA replication – but they’re also responsible for keeping us energized. So go ahead, graze on yummy fruits and veggies.
You are probably familiar with B9, or better as folic acid. If you eat a well-rounded, balanced diet, you should be getting enough B vitamins from your food. However, vitamin B supplements are recommended for pregnant women, who have increased folic acid needs for fetal development.
They are also often recommended for older patients who have a diminished capacity to absorb vitamins and minerals, and in vegans, who may not get enough B12 due to their avoidance of meat, dairy and eggs. Luckily for us in Southern California, most of these foods are grown locally, so it’s easy to add fresh, nutrient-rich produce to your diet.”. B vitamins (along with vitamin C) are water-soluble vitamins that travel through the bloodstream and are expelled regularly through urination.
Unlike fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) that can be stored for long periods of time in liver and fat tissue, water-soluble vitamins need to regularly be replaced. In order to get the full range of B vitamins (especially B12), you will need a balanced diet; so in addition to fresh produce, be sure to make fortified cereals, whole grains, legumes, beef, chicken, fish and shellfish, and eggs a part of your regular diet. And leave the energy drinks behin.

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The B-vitamins comprise a group of eight water soluble vitamins that perform essential, closely inter-related roles in cellular functioning, acting as co-enzymes in a vast array of catabolic and anabolic enzymatic reactions. Their collective effects are particularly prevalent to numerous aspects of brain function, including energy production, DNA/RNA synthesis/repair, genomic and non-genomic methylation, and the synthesis of numerous neurochemicals and signaling molecules. Scant regard has been paid to the other B vitamins.
Keywords: brain, coenzyme, vitamin, homocysteine, folate, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, biotin, pantothenic acid.

Berocca For You

But first, coffee. Caffeine, found in coffee, tea and energy drinks, can give you an instant energy boost.
And many of us love that morning jolt. Caffeine can help you feel more awake and energetic, but it’s overall effects on your health are more complex. Benefits of consuming caffeine

Coffee afficionados love their morning brew.
Coffee isn’t just a social pleasure – it’s a way of life for many of us. We drink coffee for the taste as well as the energy boost. Other than feeling more stimulated, people who drink coffee regularly might have a lower than average risk of certain chronic diseases.

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