
Vitamin D3 Water Or Fat Soluble

Role Of Vitamin D

Ar nutrient these days, as research links it to numerous health benefits. What makes vitamin D unique is that it is a vitamin and also a hormone your body can make from the sun. Despite the ability to get vitamin D from food and the sun, an estimated 40%-75% of people are deficient.
Vitamin D is not abundant in our food choices and the sun is not a reliable source for everyone. Many factors affect the skin’s ability to produce vitamin D, including season, time of day, latitude, air pollution, cloud cover, sunscreen, body parts exposed, color, and age.

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So, What Is Vitamin D?

At the scientific level, vitamin D is a group of hormones produced by a chemical reaction when you eat certain foods or absorb sunlight through your skin.
Your liver and fatty tissues can store fat-soluble vitamins for use in the future. It’s also the type your body makes when it’s exposed to sunlight. While both types of vitamin D are beneficial, “Vitamin D3 has been proven more effective in improving and sustaining your vitamin D levels,” says Melaina Bjorklund, RD, a practicing clinical dietitian at Penrose-St. Francis Health Services in Colorado Springs.
The recommended dose for people between the ages of 1 to 70 is 10 mcg each day. Adults older than 20 need 15 mcg of vitamin D to stay healthy.

Diseases & Conditions

You Offer Any Input On The Difference (If Any) Between Vitamins That Are “Water Soluble” And Those That Are Not, Specifically Vitamin E?

It determines how each vitamin acts within the body. The fat soluble vitamins are soluble in lipids (fats). These fat soluble vitamins, especially vitamins A and E, are then stored in body tissues.
Fat soluble vitamins, once they have been stored in tissues in the body, tend to remain there. This means that if a person takes in too much of a fat soluble vitamin, over time they can have too much of that vitamin present in their body, a potentially dangerous condition called hypervitaminosis (literally, too much vitamin in the body). This form of vitamin E is “water solubilized” by the addition of certain compounds during a specific manufacturing process.
It is hypothesized that this “water solubilized form” of vitamin E is more efficiently absorbed through the intestinal wall into the body. Although it can be “water solubilized” in the lab to help its absorption through the intestinal wall, once it is absorbed into the body it would appear to behave as a fat soluble vitamin doe.

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