
Vitamin E Deficiency Symptoms

In this article we will be discussing a very common question: vitamin e deficiency symptoms.

Msd Manual

In developed countries, the cause is usually an absorption disorder. Some infants are born with vitamin E deficiency, which usually improves with supplements. Newborns have a relatively low reserve of vitamin E because only small amounts of vitamin E cross the placenta.
Thus, newborns, particularly premature newborns, are at increased risk of vitamin E deficiency. Adults can store large amounts of vitamin E in fat tissue, making the deficiency less likel.

Signs And Symptoms Of Deficiency

Numbness and tingling : Damage to nerve fibers can prevent the nerves from transmitting signals correctly, resulting in these sensations, which are also called peripheral neuropathy.
: Damage to nerve fibers can prevent the nerves from transmitting signals correctly, resulting in these sensations, which are also called peripheral neuropathy. This can lead to loss of vision over time. Older adults may be particularly at risk.
The peripheral system is the network of nerves located beyond the brain and spinal cord. When the body has too little vitamin E, it contains fewer antioxidants that protect these fats, and the function of the nervous system breaks down.

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Why Is Vitamin E Important?

experiencing any of the following symptoms of deficiency:

Because of this, developing a vitamin E deficiency is rare unless you have an underlying health condition.
High doses of vitamin E can increase a risk of bleeding. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin with antioxidant qualities that helps keep your immune system strong. It occurs naturally in a wide range of foods and is even added to certain food products to help you increase your intake.
You should only attempt to correct a suspected vitamin E deficiency after consulting your doctor. These include:

nuts and seeds, such as almonds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, and peanut butter

whole grains

vegetable-based oils, especially olive and sunflower

leafy vegetables


fortified cereals




Although taking supplements is a popular way to add vitamins and minerals to your diet, you should be cautious about taking vitamin E in supplement form. Even if you do purchase a supplement from a reputable brand, there’s a chance that it can interfere with other medications that you’re taking.
Some of the medications that may be affected include:

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chemotherapy drugs

radiotherapy drugs

Because they aren’t regulated, it may be unclear what vitamin E you’re getting. It’s always best to get your nutrients from whole foods, rather than supplements.

What Is Vitamin E?

The most abundant forms in food are alpha- and gamma-tocopherol [1, 2].
Alpha-tocopherol is the essential form of vitamin E that can meet your dietary needs and prevent deficiency symptoms [3]. Vitamin E plays vital roles in your [3, 5]:

Heart and brain health


Skin health


Deficiency in this essential nutrient may thus have detrimental health effects. Out of eight forms of vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol is the most important.
It’s a powerful antioxidant that supports your immunity, nervous system, fertility, and skin health.

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