
What Are The Signs Of Vitamin K Deficiency

If you’re here then you’ve probably Google’d about: what are the signs of vitamin k deficiency.

What Is Vitamin K?

The intestine also creates some of this vitamin. Both vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 produce proteins that help the blood clot. Certain medications and medical conditions can reduce vitamin K production and inhibit absorption, meaning adults can become deficient.
When it does, it is known as vitamin K deficiency bleeding or VKDB.

Merck Manual

Deficiency is particularly common among breastfed infants.

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Why Is Vitamin K Important?

Adults usually have enough vitamin K because the normal bacteria in the gut produce it.
It is also in the fat of much of the food that we eat. Vitamin K is stored in the liver, so you don’t need a lot of it every day.

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What Causes Vitamin K Deficiency?

Some pathology services and hospitals measure vitamin K levels directly. Next, you have an injection of vitamin K and your clotting is checked again. If your clotting improves after the injection, then you have a vitamin K deficiency.
You might also have other tests if there are other issues to investigate. Vitamin K deficiency treatment

If you do not have enough vitamin K, you’ll be asked to eat more of the foods listed above. They can help the blood clot, and they might help increase bone strength.
But don’t take them without talking to your doctor first since they can interfere with some other medicines. You should also avoid taking more than your doctor recommends since this might be harmful. When to seek help

You should see your doctor if:.

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