
What Are The Vitamins Soluble In Water


Nutrition Specialist, Department of Food Science Human Nutrition; J. Curely, Graduate Student, Department of Food Science Human Nutrition . L. Previously updated by: Bellows and R. Moore.

Diseases & Conditions

This difference between the two groups is very important.
These vitamins are usually absorbed in fat globules (called chylomicrons) that travel through the lymphatic system of the small intestines and into the general blood circulation within the body. These fat soluble vitamins, especially vitamins A and E, are then stored in body tissues. Persons can be also be deficient in the fat soluble vitamins if their fat intake is too low or if their fat absorption is compromised, for example, by certain drugs (that interfere with the absorption of fat from the intestine) or by certain diseases such as cystic fibrosis (in which there is a deficiency of enzymes from the pancreas which similarly interferes with the absorption of fat from the intestine).
In sum, to respond to your questions:

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“The difference (if any) between vitamins that are “water soluble” and those that are not” — There is a big difference between the water soluble vitamins and the fat soluble vitamins and this is absolutely a critical distinction. “Specifically Vitamin E” — Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin.

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These vitamins are absorbed by fat globules within the body and then carried throughout the bloodstream.
Unlike water-soluble vitamins, any excess of fat-soluble vitamins don’t immediately leave the body. Instead, they’re stored in the liver or fatty tissue for later use (2). This also means that because water-soluble vitamins are either used or excreted so quickly, you’ll need to consistently get them into your system through nutrient-dense foods and supplements that help fill gaps in your diet.
That’s why it’s important to stick within the recommended guidelines. *

Our Multivitamins

Bottom line: =The body needs both water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins to function. Ritual’s Essential for Women and Essential for Men feature both water and fat-soluble vitamins to help fill the gaps in your diet and support nutrient levels.

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