
What Are Vitamin B12

We’re frequently asked in our comment section about: what are vitamin b12. Hopefully by the end of this article you’ll have no doubts about this subject.

How Much To Get?

The answer depends on things including your age, your eating habits and medical conditions, and what medications you take.

What Is Vitamin B12?

This water-soluble vitamin has many essential functions in your body. This substance binds to the vitamin B12 molecule and facilitates its absorption into your blood and cells.
You may develop a vitamin B12 deficiency if your body does not produce enough intrinsic factor, or if you don’t eat enough vitamin-B12-rich foods Below are 12 healthy foods that are very high in vitamin B12.

1. Fatigue

If you’re low or deficient in B12, you’ll likely feel fatigued.
As such, having inadequate B12 levels can decrease normal red blood cell production, which can impair oxygen delivery This condition leads to the formation of large, abnormal, and immature red blood cells and impaired DNA synthesis It’s important to know that you can develop fatigue and other symptoms related to B12 deficiency, even when your B12 levels are considered within range or only borderline low

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Symptoms Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

General symptoms of anaemia may include: extreme tiredness (fatigue)

lack of energy (lethargy)


feeling faint


pale skin

noticeable heartbeats (palpitations)

hearing sounds coming from inside the body, rather than from an outside source (tinnitus)

loss of appetite and weight loss

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency If you have anaemia caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency, you may have other symptoms, such as: a pale yellow tinge to your skin

a sore and red tongue (glossitis)

mouth ulcers

pins and needles (paraesthesia)

changes in the way that you walk and move around

disturbed vision



changes in the way you think, feel and behave

a decline in your mental abilities, such as memory, understanding and judgement (dementia) Some of these symptoms can also happen in people who have a vitamin B12 deficiency but have not developed anaemia.

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