
What Do B Complex Vitamins Do For The Body

We’re frequently asked in our comment section about: what do b complex vitamins do for the body. Truth is we’ve been delaying this article for a while until we had enough information & facts to allow us to enlighten our readers. Hopefully by the end of this article you’ll have no doubts about this subject.

Health Benefits

Some data shows that vitamin B6 in particular may play a role in the prevention of the neurological disorder Parkinson’s D isease. Stress and Chronic Fatigue

If you are looking for ways to combat stress, vitamin B complex supplementation may help.

What Is In The Vitamin B Complex?

Vitamin B-complex supplements should include all of the essential B vitamins.
Vitamin B-2 – riboflavin The body needs vitamin B-2 to break down fats and drugs. Doctors sometimes prescribe high doses of niacin to help improve cholesterol levels. It also helps keep the immune system strong.
During pregnancy, folic acid may reduce the risk of certain birth defects.

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What Are B Vitamins?

B vitamins are important for making sure the body’s cells are functioning properly. They help the body convert food into energy (metabolism), create new blood cells, and maintain healthy skin cells, brain cells, and other body tissues.
There are eight types of B vitamin, each with their own function: thiamin (vitamin B-1)

riboflavin (vitamin B-2)

niacin (vitamin B-3)

pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5)

vitamin B-6

biotin (vitamin B-7)

folate (vitamin B-9)

vitamin B-12 Together, they are called the vitamin B complex.

General Description

B vitamins are water-soluble. The B vitamins are related to each other and work closely in your body.
For this reason, having all the B vitamins in your body helps your body work better. B vitamins are found in many foods. These are often called B complex with C.

The B complex includes:

Thiamin (B-1)

Riboflavin (B-2)

Niacin (B-3)

Pantothenic acid (B-5)

Pyridoxine (B-6)

Folic acid (B-9)

Cobalamin (B-12)

These are often also included as part of the B complex:

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Biotin (vitamin H)



Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA)

See each B vitamin for more information.

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