
What Do B12 Vitamins Do For You

Truth is we’ve been delaying this article for a while until we had enough information & facts to allow us to enlighten our readers. Hopefully by the end of this article you’ll have no doubts about this subject.

2. May Prevent Major Birth Defects

Studies show that a fetus’s brain and nervous system require sufficient B12 levels from the mother to develop properly. Vitamin B12 deficiency in the beginning stages of pregnancy may increase the risk of birth defects, such as neural tube defects. One study found that women with vitamin B12 levels lower than 250 mg/dL were three times more likely to give birth to a child with birth defects, compared to those with adequate levels They’re important for the prevention of brain and spinal cord birth defects.

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How Much To Get?

How Much Vitamin B12 Do I Need?

The amount of vitamin B12 a person needs steadily increases as they age:

Older individuals may want to up their vitamin B12 intake. “Around the age of 50, it becomes harder to absorb vitamin B12, so older adults should aim to eat more B12-rich foods or take a supplement if needed,” says Wong.
“The best food sources [of B12] are meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, and fortified cereals,” says Wong. B12 can be supplemented in four ways, says Taylor Graber, MD, physician and owner of ASAP IVs, a mobile IV hydration and wellness company:

Orally, through eating foods rich in vitamin B12 Taking a B12 supplement Injected into the muscle Through an IV drip

As vitamin B12 is found naturally in animal-based food products, vegetarians and vegans may not get enough of it in their diet and require supplements. Medical conditions may also require a person to seek out additional amounts of the vitamin.
Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include megaloblastic anemia — in which abnormally sized or immature red blood cells are produced — weight loss , weakness, neurological changes like memory loss and depression, as well as fatigue. “Without intrinsic factor, the free vitamin B12 in the digestive tract is unable to be absorbed,” says Graber. “Deficiencies of this glycoprotein, or a shortening of the small intestine where the B12 is absorbed, can lead to an inadequate amount of dietary vitamin B12.”.
That said, there can still be side effects of excess intake. These symptoms include headaches, anxiety, and nausea. Vitamin supplements, such as B12, have previously been reported to interact with medicines and supplements, like colchicine and vitamin C supplements.

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Where Can I Find B12?

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