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Zinc Oxide Powder

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Use the search field to search out data on the chemical substances which are important to the merchandise you employ every single day.

Zinc Oxide Makes use of

Zinc oxide is utilized in a variety of cosmetics and private care merchandise together with make-up, nail merchandise, child lotions, bathtub soaps and foot powders. Zinc oxide can be utilized in pores and skin protectants, equivalent to diaper rash ointments and sunscreen merchandise.

Makes use of & Advantages

Zinc oxide is used as a bulking agent and a colorant. In over-the-counter drug merchandise, it’s used as a pores and skin protectant and a sunscreen. Zinc oxide works as a sunscreen by reflecting and scattering UV radiation. Sunscreens cut back or forestall sunburn and untimely growing old of the pores and skin.

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Security Data

The U.S. Meals and Drug Administration (FDA) has performed in depth opinions of the security of zinc oxide to be used as a colour additive in medicine and cosmetics and as a sunscreen and pores and skin protectant energetic ingredient and has acknowledged that zinc oxide could also be safely utilized in cosmetics. FDA additionally has additionally accepted using zinc oxide to be used in over-the-counter pores and skin protectants at concentrations as much as 25 %, and in sunscreen drug merchandise at concentrations as much as 25 %.

Answering Questions

Frequent examples of zinc oxide powders embrace foot powders and make-up. As an ointment, it is usually utilized in diaper rash merchandise and solar safety merchandise.

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