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What Is Vitamin C Good For Colds

At the very first sign of cold symptoms, many people reach for Vitamin C, whether in supplements, juices, cough drops, tea, or other forms. Vitamin C was first touted for the common cold in the 1970s. But despite its widespread use, experts say there’s very little proof that vitamin C actually has any effect on the common cold.

What Is Vitamin C?

This key vitamin is also available as a natural dietary supplement in the form of vitamin C pills and vitamin C chewable tablet.

Does Vitamin C Have Any Effect On The Common Cold?

The results have been fairly disappointing. : They reduced the symptoms of a cold, making it less severe.
Reduced cold duration: Supplements decreased recovery time by 8% in adults and 14% in children, on average. Other studies in adults have found 6–8 grams per day to be effective Vitamin C appears to have even stronger effects in people who are under intense physical stress.
In marathon runners and skiers, vitamin C alantost halved the duration of the common cold Summary Although vitamin C supplements have no effect on the risk of catching a cold, they appear to reduce its severity and duration.

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How Does Vitamin C Reduce The Severity Of Colds?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals, keeping skin and various tissues tough but flexible.
A vitamin C deficiency results in a condition known as scurvy, which isn’t really a problem today, as most people get enough vitamin C from foods. However, it’s less known that vitamin C is also highly concentrated in immune cells and quickly depleted during an infection In fact, a vitamin C deficiency significantly weakens the immune system and increases the risk of infections In the past, people have used various foods to reduce their symptoms. Flavonoids : These are antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables. : These are antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables.
Studies suggest that flavonoid supplements may reduce the risk of infections in the lungs, throat and nose by 33%, on average Garlic: This common spice contains some antimicrobial compounds that may help fight respiratory infections. Read this detailed article for more information These include flavonoids and garlic.

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Save Citation To File

Rbic acid (vitamin C) in the prevention and treatment of colds remains controversial despite many controlled trials. There have also been a number of efforts to synthesize and/or overview the results of these trials, and controversy over what these overviews tell us.

Objectives: The Objective Of This Review Was To Answer The Following Two Questions: (1) Does Regular High Dosage Supplementation With Vitamin C Reduce The Incidence Of Colds?

(2) Does Taking Vitamin C In High Doses At The Onset Of A Cold Have A Therapeutic Effect?

Selection criteria: Randomised and non-randomised trials of vitamin C taken to prevent or treat the common cold. Data collection and analysis: Two reviewers independently extracted data and assessed trial quality. The quality of the included trials was variable.
Vitamin C in doses as high as one gram daily for several winter months, had no consistent beneficial effect on incidence of the common cold. For both preventive and therapeutic trials, there was a consistently beneficial but generally modest therapeutic effect on duration of cold symptoms. The weighted difference across all of the studies revealed a reduction of a little less than half a symptom day per cold episode, representing an 8% to 9% reduction in symptom days.
However in trials that tested vitamin C after cold symptoms occurred, there was some evidence that a large dose produced greater benefits than lower doses.

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