This blog post will walk you through: what are vitamin d injections for.
What Is Vitamin D?
Technically, vitamin D isn’t a vitamin at all. This is achieved by converting the rays of the sun into vitamin D when they’re absorbed into the skin. However, there are several factors that may prevent you from getting enough vitamin D from sunlight.
If you don’t get enough sunlight to produce vitamin D, you can try modifying your diet. It’s also often found in foods fortified with vitamin D, such as some dairy products, juices and cereals. People who don’t get the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D—600 to 800 international units (IU) for adults—through sun exposure or diet may try supplementation.
The Basics: What Is Vitamin D? Why Is It Important?
Vitamin D is essential to the healthy functioning of the body and especially for building and maintaining strong and healthy bones. Vitamin D is naturally produced by the body and is also found naturally in several foods. There are two forms of vitamin D, vitamin D2 and D3.
Vitamin D2 is known as ergocalciferol, and it is found in plants and mushrooms. Vitamin D3 is the more active form of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D promotes the gut absorption of the minerals calcium and phosphorus, which are important for bone structure and bone health.
What Are The Benefits Of Vitamin D Injections?
D from our food, we do not get enough, and what we do eat is usually poorly absorbed. From sun: Our bodies create vitamin D from sunlight on the skin. The problem with this is that we need to protect our skin from harmful UV rays and so we wear sunscreen.
Sunscreen with SPF 30 and above effectively blocks out UVB rays, indirectly reducing vitamin D production by up to 95%. From food: Another source of vitamin D is from our food. Low-fat foods fortified with vitamin D won’t be as good as full-fat products.
As most vitamin D rich foods are from animal sources, if you are vegetarian or vegan you may find it difficult to obtain enough vitamin D and will need to pay extra attention to supplementin.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C plays a vital role in many body functions such as the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, boosting the immune system, facilitating wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.