
Vitamins Co Q 10

This subject along with many others are quite common.

Why Do People Take Coq10?

But in these cases, it’s uncertain that adding CoQ10 will have an effect. There’s evidence that CoQ10 supplements can lower blood pressure slightly. Coq10 is also used to treat heart failure and other heart conditions, possibly helping to improve some symptoms and lessen future cardiac risks when combined with regular medications, but the evidence is conflicting.
Though still controversial, some preliminary evidence suggests that CoQ10 may help to prevent or treat the adverse effects, such as muscle pains and liver problems, of taking statin-type cholesterol drugs. Preliminary studies have shown that CoQ10 may slow, but not stop, the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Additional research is needed to confirm this effect.
It has also been studied for low sperm count, cancer, HIV, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s disease, gum disease, and many other conditions. Although CoQ10 is sometimes sold as an energy supplement, there is no evidence that it will boost energy in a typical perso.

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Alimentos Com Coenzima Q10

Alguns dos alimentos ricos em coenzima Q10 são:

Legumes verdes, como espinafres e brócoli;

Frutas, como laranjas e morangos;

Leguminosas, como rebentos de soja e lentilha;

Frutas secas, com amendoim, nozes, pistacho e amêndoas;

Carnes, como carne de porco, frango e fígado;

Peixes gordos, como truta, cavala e sardinha.
É importante que a pessoa saiba que para usufruir dos benefícios da coenzima Q10, estes alimentos devem ser integrados numa dieta saudável e variada. Conheça outros alimentos ricos em anti-oxidantes.

Suplementos Com Coenzima Q10

Em alguns casos, quando recomendado pelo médico ou pelo nutricionista, pode ser benéfico tomar suplementos com coenzima Q10, que podem ser facilmente encontrados em farmácias.
Geralmente a dose recomendada pode variar entre 50 mg a 200 mg ao dia, ou a critério médico.

Take Care Of Your Body’S Cells With Coq10!

CoEnzyme Q10 (or CoQ10 as it is also known) is one of our more important supplements as you grow older.

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