
Vitamin U Name

If you’re here then you’ve probably Google’d about: vitamin u name. This article aims to clear any doubts and questions you may have about this subject and we will do our best to do so.



S-Methylmethionine is sometimes referred to as vitamin U,[3] but it is not considered a true vitamin. The term was coined in 1950 by Garnett Cheney for uncharacterized anti-ulcerogenic[4] factors in raw cabbage juice that may help speed healing of peptic ulcers. Biosynthesis and biochemical function [ edit ]

S-Methylmethionine arises via the methylation of methionine by S-adenosyl methionine (SAM).

The biological roles of S-methylmethionine are not well understood. Speculated roles include methionine storage, use as a methyl donor, regulation of SAM. Intermediates include dimethylsulfoniumpropylamine and dimethylsulfoniumpropionaldehyde.
Smm can be subsequently converted to dimethyl sulfide (DMS) during the malt kilning process, causing an undesirable flavor. Darker kilned malts such as Munich malt have virtually no SMM content since most has been converted to DMS. [6][7]

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References [ edit.

What Is Vitamin U?

Despite its name, vitamin U is not a true vitamin but rather a derivative of the amino acid methionine Examples of methionine derivatives often called vitamin U include S-methylmethionine (SMM), methylmethionine sulfonium (SMM), and 3-amino-3-carboxypropyl dimethylsulfonium. Vitamin U is available not only as a supplement but also found naturally in various foods, particularly cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and kale

What Does Vitamin U Do?

We still don’t know too much about how s-methylmethionine worked to heal ulcers—or whether something else in the cabbage juice may have been part of the effect. And now that we have a highly effective treatment for ulcers, figuring it out hasn’t been a research priority. The evidence to support these benefits is extremely sparse, consisting mostly of test tube and animal studies and a few small, unreplicated or uncontrolled human trials.

What Foods Contain Vitamin U?

Brassicas include all kinds of cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and kale. Somewhat more unique to the brassica family are the glucosinolates—compounds that protect against cancer. Brassicas contain other sulfur-containing compounds as well, which have a variety of health benefits.
And there are so many ways to enjoy them.

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You Can Eat Them Raw (Coleslaw, Anyone?

), Roasted (Broccoli And Brussels Sprouts Are Great This Way), Dried (As In Kale Chips), Sprouted (Remember The Broccoli-Sprout Craze A Few Years Back?

), or even juiced, if you like. However, I think you get more benefits by eating your vegetables, rather than drinking them. If you strive to eat five servings of vegetables every day (and I hope you do), try to make sure at least one of those servings is from the brassica family.
Here are some of my favorite brassica recipes:.

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